Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Exercises for Stronger Shoulders

 By Shahrilkhairi, Diploma in Business Management Year 1

NYP’s BodyWatch gym is a great place for students to exercise and keep fit. This week, we’re looking at developing strong shoulders.

If you play sports involving shoulder movement, having strong shoulders would help you to stay injury free.  In addition, strong and broad shoulders can boost your self-confidence. For example, men with attractive physiques typically have broad shoulders and a thin waist, giving them a “V-Shape”.

The shoulder is the most moveable and unstable joint in the body. It is very important to keep the soft tissues in the shoulder strong, flexible and conditioned to handle stress.

Here are 5 exercises to help you develop healthy and broad shoulders while giving you that elusive “V-shape”! Do remember to do some light warm-ups before going these exercises.

*Disclaimer: Before embarking on any fitness or exercise routine (including this one), remember to consult your doctor or physician. Please also ensure that the weights you handle are manageable and not too heavy.

For all exercises perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Take a 1-minute break after every set.

1. Shoulder Presses
Step 1: Stand up and hold two dumbbells at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Ensure your elbows are at 90 degrees.
Step 2: Press the dumbbells straight up until your elbows almost locking and lower them back down after a short pause.
Do's and Don’ts:
*Keep your body straight
*Use weights that allow you to perform 12 repetitions per set.
*Do not jerk your body in attempt to raise the dumbbell

2. Lateral Raises
Step 1: Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand in front of your hips, palms facing each other.
Step 2: Raise the dumbbells to your sides until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down after a short pause.

Do's and Don’ts:
*Keep your body straight
*Use weights that allow you to perform 12 repetitions per set.
*Do not jerk your body in attempt to raise the dumbbell
*Try to maintain the angles in your elbows still throughout

3. Front Raises

Step 1: Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs, palms facing your body.
Step 2: Raise the dumbbells forward then up until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down after a short pause.

Do's and Don’ts: 
*Keep your body straight
*Use weights that allow you to perform 12 repetitions per set.
*Do not jerk your body in attempt to raise the dumbbell
* Keep your arms extended throughout.

4. Upright Rows
Step 1: Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs.
Step 2: Raise both dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down slowly after a short pause.
Do's and Don’ts:
*Keep your body straight.
*Use weights that allow you to perform 12 repetitions per set.
*Do not jerk your body in attempt to raise the dumbbell.

5. Side Raise
Step 1: Stand up, keep your elbow 90 degrees and keep it close to your body. Ensure your palms are facing each other.
Step 2: Raise both dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down slowly after a short pause.

Do's and Don’ts: 
*Keep your body straight.
* Use weights that allow you to perform 12 repetitions per set.
*Do not jerk your body in attempt to raise the dumbbell
Shahril Khairi is a Year 1 student from Business Management who loves music, history, other cultures, writing and travelling. Some say “Active” is his middle name because he enjoys adventures and keeping fit. He loves eating and judging food and has a strong interest in The Art of War and strategy games even though he enjoys peace. He is a guy who enjoys the bright side of life.

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