Wednesday, September 14, 2011

40 Things About Money


*If you want happiness, spend your money on experiences, not on stuff.

*A financial goal not written down and with no deadline, is only a financial wish.

*The only person that will truly ever care about your money is you.

*There is no single way to manage your money correctly.

*You can have anything you want in life, as long as you prioritize it.

*Investing in index funds, isn’t average.

*The goal for an investor is to earn the highest return after-taxes and expenses.

*99% of financial news is meaningless.

*The 1% of financial news that does matter isn’t on TV.

*Investing really can be as easy as putting your money in a good targeted retirement fund.

*The best investment, is an investment in yourself.

*You have a limited ability to save money, and an unlimited ability to earn money.

*You control what’s possible, by what you believe is possible.

*Money without time, is worthless.

*You don’t have to make money back, the same way you lose it.

*Compound interest really is magical.

*The fastest way to decrease your net worth, is to borrow money to buy an asset that depreciates.

*It’s not about how much you make, but how much you keep.

*You can borrow to pay for your kids college but not for your retirement.

*For a young investor, it’s better to focus on how much you save, rather than focusing on a marginal increase in investment returns.

*An employer match is an immediate return on your savings.

*Money can make you money, which can make you money.

*The goal of money, is to manage it to reach your goals in life.

*Investing is simple, it’s just not easy.

*The purpose of a budget isn’t to determine where your money went, but where your money should go.

*The unexpected will happen, an emergency fund is your insurance.

*The cheapest insurance is self insurance.

*What can’t be self insured, must be insured.

*It’s better to actively manage your life, not your investments.

*You can only change one financial habit at a time successfully.

*When trying to change a financial habit, make that change as small as possible.

*Your environment, shapes your decisions.

*Information, doesn’t lead to action.

*You don’t lack willpower.

*You overestimate how much money you need to live your desired life.

*Money is a tool to get what you want, it’s not the end goal.

*Your mind is your greatest asset.

*There’s a small correlation between your salary and happiness, but only to a certain extent.

*If you THINK you can afford to buy something, you can’t.

*Life isn’t about money, it’s about time.

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